The purpose of this Blog is to provide some of the main factors in the Rise of the East and the Decline of the West.

It is our opinion China is heading not only to overtake the West but for a Takeover! (along with its partners China will also have supremacy of the rest!) The critical locus of the power shift is the U.S. because of its former primacy and because of its present decline; especially its dangerous indebtedness and almost total dependency on China for all critical products.
There are many great books, Blogs and articles on this very very crucial Power Shift with excellent analyses and information. Here, the effort is to provide information in a way that is quickly and easily accessible.
The perspective here is novel as it focuses on the ethical considerations, not just on economics and global politics. An ethical focus is usually on China: their unethical actions in the areas trade, acquisition of knowledge and straight power. Here we look at the unethical aspects of the U.S. (and Western) economies which are widely ignored.
Its final important purpose is to ask questions; for instance:
- Are the U.S. consumers so tapped out, they are no longer massively buying and thus are not massively increasing China's bottom line? This means China can pivot from selling, to a squeeze on supply and to a power grab! Consider Mao's declaration: Make them dependent then cut them off!
- Is the U.S. so dependent on China for all essential products that there is now an existential turning point when China merges Taiwan with the mainland? China will control: 85% of all semi conductor production (60% Taiwan, 25% China) and 92% of the most advanced semi conductors (Taiwan).
American Dream/American Nightmare
The phrase: Useful Idiots has been overused. It is a Marxian phrase for people who assist a Revolution but are not always aware they are needed for critical mass by the movers and shakers of the Revolution. Usually they end up on the bottom and the movers on top!
Here the phrase has an addition: "Useless (Idiots)" when certain folks who were useful are no longer. It is applied here to Western Elites (and their helpers) who have been aiding the Rise to dominance of China in a million ways. They are so successful at their work and PR, that there comes a point, China is on top and does not need them and can simply hire directly who it wants. That point is now. It is hiring directly Apple and Microsoft and many others.
Investors may still invest even though China does not require its companies to provide full accounting; even those listed on the NY Stock Exchange. China will not give those who have been useful to its climb to Power a thank you. They will be replaced by the great people of China who are proud, loyal and smart.

The End for Western Elites and their Associates
The purpose of the Book is to be an expanded version of the issues and questions concerning the Shift in Power from the West to the East and the pending Dominance of China.
The Introduction is posted. Some of the Chapters to come are:
The Exporting of the Crude Industrial Revolution to the East, Not Your usual Theft, Western Elites - So Successful They Eliminated their own Jobs! And maybe their own fortunes.